Reversible Hydrogen Electrode

Reversible Hydrogen Electrode (RHE) is the reversible electrode which the hydrogen gas is generating by electrolysis of strong acid and trapping, while it is used. It makes unnecessary the complicated and dangerous set-up of the hydrogen cylinder and avoid the large volume of hydrogen gas exhaustion, even though it has a good potential stability.

The RHE has a large application field, it can be used in a strong acid solution (<pH 2), such as 0.5 mol/L sulfuric acid, also in a neutral solution, when it is applied with a double junction chamber.
Reversible hydrogen electrode set-up for acid solution   Reversible hydrogen electrode for neutral solution
For application in an acid solution (left), and RHE with a double junction chamber, for application in a neutral solution (right).

Experimental data on RHEK Reversible hydrogen electrode kit

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Reversible hydrogen electrode kit and Double junction chamber contents

Reversible hydrogen electrode kit

The RHEK Reversible hydrogen electrode kit can be used without Double junction chamber when the strong acid (<pH 2, such as 0.5 mol/L sulfuric acid) is used as an electrolyte solution.

Catalog No. Description Content of the Reversible hydrogen elctrode kit
013373 RHEK Reversible hydrogen electrode kit new
013374 RHE Reversible hydrogen electrode new
Tubing clamp
Silicone tube
Female lure fitting
Disposable syringe

The five items, without the catalog number, are available as a kit.
013378 RHEK accessories kit

Double junction chamber kit

The Double junction chamber kit is used when the electrolyte solution is a weak acid, neutral solution, solution containing scum etc.

Catalog No. Description Content of the Double junction chamber kit
013375 Double junction chamber kit new
013376 Double junction chamber
013377 PTFE Cap for double junction chamber
002222 Platinum counter electrode 5.7 cm


Reversible hydrogen electrode
Length 85 mm
Diameter Head: 14 mm
Neck: 6 mm
Temperature range 5°C to 60°C
pH range
(using with Double junction chamber)
0 to 2
0 to 9
Double junction chamber
Length 140 mm
Diameter Head: 12 mm
Neck: 6 mm


1) C. H. Hamann, A. Hamnett, W. Vielstich, “Electrochemistry”, p. 90, Wiley - VCH (1998).
2) D. H. G. Ives, G. J. Janz, Eds., “Reference Electrodes”, p. 161, Academic Press (1961).

Technical note

- Troubleshooting
- Setup of the electrode

last modified 2020/04/28
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